sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016

Lack of commitment in our society and bipolar disorder

 For a start, commitment means both dedication and promise. Lack of commitment happens when someone says one thing and does another. 

On the one hand, politicians get used to do this because they often promise that they will do what people want and finally they don’t, so people discover what they are really like and they protest. Nowadays, being a politician should be a difficult job as they are under scrutiny every moment. About teens, I don’t think that there is a great lack of commitment because each one is different from the others and it depends on everyone’s lifestyle.

On the other hand, I have read the book Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, where I saw the bipolar disorder that Dr Jekyll suffered. It is curious seeing how a person has different behaviours. The story tells probably about Deacon Brudie, who lived in Edinburgh. Its author, Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island, A Child’s Garden of Verses, Kidnapped, too. 

All in all, I think that if you say one thing, you have to do it, like that, you’ll have a great success in your life. 

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